Our Playerbase

WORG has a very capable leadership hierarchy. Shooga, Desert & Cesar are the outfit leaders and the ultimate authority in all matters concerning WORG. If you have any questions or require any advice, all are more than happy to help in any way they can, so do not be shy.


The leaders of WORG are responsible for making sure that everything within the outfit runs smoothly. They are responsible for the "curriculum" that dictates how the outfit runs. This includes training sessions, website management and more. The leaders will try and take a "back seat" whenever possible during live play and allow the members their chance to run squads, however most training nights will be run by an outfit leader. 


Planetside 2: Shooga

PlayStation: Shoogaboog



Planetside 2: DesertStorm97

PlayStation: Jackcowling150


Planetside 2: Braghnaham

PlayStation: DeadNukeBoy


Member rank is the basic rank in WORG. These players have proven themselves to be an asset to the outfit with a good grasp of the strategies and tactics used by our outfit and the ability to follow orders well. Members of WORG know what to do with their skill and help each other out.


Planetside 2: Rodden

PlayStation: Rodden82


Planetside 2: Hotten

PlayStation: jimboobar


Planetside 2: Blackablitz

PlayStation: Blacklablitz


Planetside 2: yeoldewolf

PlayStation: yeoldewolf


Planetside 2: Borlyst

PlayStation: Kjellie13



Planetside 2: TURTLE420

PlayStation: lRhanonl



Planetside 2: Benjjjjii

PlayStation: Gungnir-Viper



Planetside 2: ABCXYZ123

PlayStation: RealNiigga101



Planetside 2: VietDong

PlayStation: vietcongbongdong



Planetside 2: Genesis456

PlayStation: BATTIE0396



Planetside 2: Niaa

PlayStation: Plantlifegirl



Planetside 2: Retro97Assault

PlayStation: retro97assault



Planetside 2: Tjalla

PlayStation: tjalla010



Planetside 2: B0unt4Sauru5

PlayStation: BamiSoep4Life



Planetside 2: Tryhard4life

PlayStation: AHWarlord



Planetside 2: Archlight

PlayStation: UltraShadow9



Planetside 2: 

PlayStation: spc_terrill


Planetside 2: Dobbynumber1

PlayStation: Dobbynumber1


Planetside 2: TickdanceNC

PlayStation: I_sniff_AGS